Industry software vendors pull together to aid remote working for built environment designers

Total Synergy has announced an integration between its cloud software, Synergy, and Microsoft SharePoint. Its aim is to improve remote and work-from-home conditions for architectural, engineering, and construction design (AEC) companies with a unique cloud-to-cloud document control solution.

Media release

AEC industry software developer Total Synergy has announced an integration between its cloud software, Synergy, and Microsoft SharePoint. Its aim is to improve remote and work-from-home conditions for architectural, engineering, and construction design (AEC) companies with a unique cloud-to-cloud document control solution. The company is offering the app connection free until 2021.

The SharePoint document control connected app enables Synergy users to automatically replicate Synergy project folders in SharePoint, transfer files created in Synergy to SharePoint, manage version control and alert users to changes or new documents added to the SharePoint folder.

Total Synergy product manager Paul Hemmings said the timing of this release was about meeting current remote work challenges faced by AEC businesses in the Covid-19 crisis.

“We accelerated this project — which was slated for next year — because we understand that built environment businesses need better cloud tools to continue doing their work wherever they find themselves,” Mr Hemmings said.

“A lot of suppliers have looked at how they can make immediate changes to help their customers in a time of need. Fortunately, developing agile cloud software enables us to respond and roll-out updates to every customer simultaneously very quickly.”

Hemmings said the integration is designed with simplicity and ease of use as priorities. Total Synergy’s own use of SharePoint informed the project.

“SharePoint is excellent for document collaboration — we use it ourselves,” he said.

“We believe that connecting the best apps to the best project delivery platform enables built environment design businesses to get more done by choosing the right tools for the job. As a subscription offering, where customers are not locked into long term agreements, it’s a solution that matches the fluid needs of businesses in this challenging environment.”

Despite bringing this project forward to respond to customers’ remote work needs, Mr Hemmings said this was not the end of the project.

“We have our sights set on building a completely rounded, cloud project information management system on the Synergy platform — this was just the first step.”

Total Synergy has built project management software for the AEC sector since 1999. They serve over 16,000 built environment businesses across five continents.

Read the blog on SharePoint for document control by Synergy’s product manager, Paul Hemmings.

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