
Harnessing Synergy People Dashboards to Drive Organisational Efficiency

In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, managing and optimising human resources effectively is more critical than ever. The recent webinar presented by Hadley Milligan from Business Depot provides deep insights into the transformative power of the Total Synergy Analytics Plus People Dashboards. This blog post explores the strategic importance of these Synergy dashboards and how they can revolutionise your approach to managing personnel.

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Solving Collaboration and Communication Problems with SynergyPIM’s Unified Workspace

The volume of documentation involved in design and construction projects can be overwhelming. This includes a wide array of materials such as drawings, reports, contracts, schedules, checklists, and specifications, all of which are continuously being created, used, and updated. SynergyPIM’s Unified Workspace (UW) module, leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Teams, offers a specialised solution tailored to the AEC industry’s needs.

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