How to export data from WorkFlowMax to Synergy

WFM to Synergy Export
Total Synergy gives you control of the planning, management, and accounting of your AEC design projects in one place and offers a perfect solution to your project management and project accounting needs.

Switching from WorkFlowMax to Synergy software is easy and most data can be imported.

Why should I switch from Workflow Max to Synergy software?
Workflow Max will be discontinued in 2024. Current users will have to find a new platform to manage their projects. Synergy offers more features and functionality than Workflow Max. Additionally, Synergy provides more advanced reporting and analytics capabilities.

What is the process for migrating from Workflow Max to Synergy?
The migration process involves exporting data from Workflow Max and importing it into Synergy. Synergy provides tools and resources to assist with the migration process and offers support throughout the process.

How long does it take to migrate from Workflow Max to Synergy?
The time it takes to migrate from Workflow Max to Synergy depends on the amount of data being migrated and the complexity of the workflow. However, Synergy has a dedicated migration team that works to ensure a smooth transition.

What kind of training and support does Total Synergy offer for users transitioning from Workflow Max?
Total Synergy offers training and support resources, including documentation, video tutorials, and webinars. Additionally, Total Synergy’s support team is available to answer any questions or concerns that may arise.

Why is Total Synergy better than WorkFlowMax? Read the blog post – 5 Reasons Why Total Synergy is the Perfect Solution for WorkFlowMax customers

WFM provides info on how to export data


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