Synergy product update — 22 February 2018 — Outlook add-in

In this product update we have the Outlook add-in, new project information management features, and updates to custom fields and notifications.

In this product update we have the Outlook add-in, new project information management features, and updates to custom fields and notifications.

New — Outlook add-in

The Outlook add-in is an eagerly anticipated feature for Synergy users. This lets you save emails, with attachments, straight to your project folders in Synergy.

The core benefits of the Outlook add-in are twofold:

  • HUGE time saving in filing emails — depending on how you manage emails as project information, this can literally be days of time saved.
  • It’s a vital component of project information management — you can keep all project emails and attachments in a central, searchable place with all other project information.
  • De-duplicate emails and store them as conversation thread.

The time this saves in filing emails and making the emails a direct part of your project information management is invaluable.

Find out more about the Synergy Outlook add-in

New — Project documents for emails

This new feature enables you to search for and view emails in your Synergy project folders. This means you can treat emails as project documents inside Synergy — download the whole thread, plus its attachments, filter by ‘.email’ file type, and more. Combined with the Synergy Outlook add-in, this is a significant step in project information management.

Updated — Bulk update custom fields

Custom fields are used to add extra information to a contact record that isn’t pre-set. With the bulk update function, you can bulk update records with new custom field values, and add custom fields to projects, contacts and staff in bulk. This saves you time as you don’t need to update a record by importing a whole set of new information.

Updated — Notifications

Notifications are sent to let you know about actions in Synergy that need your attention.

Project portals generate notifications for newly created and replies for:

  • Chats
  • Announcements
  • Project document and image shares
  • Invoice shares

We’ve enhanced notifications quite a bit in this release — login to read more in the help files.

In case you missed it — New Drawboard Bullclip add-on

Bullclip is an online PDF markup tool. We’ve created an integration between Synergy and Bullclip that allows you to export Synergy PDF’s and image files to Bullclip to use the markup and collaboration options. You can then import the marked-up PDF or image back to the Synergy project folder.

Bullclip works on Windows 10, iOS and via web browser.

Find out more about the Bullclip add-on for Synergy

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