How Synergy’s search function just went global

Synergy’s new global search allows you to quickly search across the entire platform for your project items, whatever they are. Here’s how to use it, and get more time for design.

Today I’m talking about a feature update that we’ve just released — global search — and how it will give you more time for design. 

Global search is a core part of the Synergy platform which allows you to search across the entire platform for your project items, whatever they are. This includes everything inside Synergy that relates to your specific project. For example:  

  • Projects 
  • Documents 
  • Contacts  
  • Images 
  • Invoices  
  • And now, emails. 

You simply type your search criteria into the search bar, and the feature will scan through all your projects. The search function will read all your items and will highlight the best possible match. These will be rank ordered on your screen. It’s simple, fast and will help you locate what you need.   

Fuzzy search makes it clear, even when you haven’t

An exciting addition to our search function in this release is what we call, “fuzzy search”. Fuzzy searches account for those misspelt words we tend to enter.  For example; if you make two mistakes trying to spell John Smith and actually write Jon Smoth’, fuzzy search will give you results for ‘Jon Smoth first (because that’s the exact and most relevant match), but then it will then give you a less exact match bpredicting what youre searching for, based on what’s in the system.  

Search includes project emails 

You can also search through emails — from the ‘to’ and ‘from’ text, to the subject line. And there is even a preview of the email that you can see on the search results screen, so you now know immediately if that’s the email you’re after. 

If you want to search through the body-text of an email, you will have to wait for the new Project Information Module that we are releasing mid-year. This option will have a lot of powerful document management and searching features. We will let you know once this becomes available

This latest feature is exciting because it’s a much quicker way of finding what you need. Global search is there to speed up your movement around the platform and give you more time to do the work you love — design

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