Total Synergy presents in Architecture Today’s webinar ‘Digital Transformation in Practice: Benefits and Challenges

Our Total Synergy Head of Partnerships, Damiaan Van Zanen spoke recently in Architecture Today's webinar ‘Digital Transformation in Practice: Benefits and Challenges’ on the 16th of May.

The webinar aimed to aid architects to think how digital technologies would be able to aid collaboration and support new ways of working to increase productivity and efficiency in practice.

Damiaan along with other key speakers gave great insight on how architects can adopt the latest technology to drive business performance in order to create #moretimefordesign. Focusing on how a connected ecosystem of products like Synergy, Synergy Addons and Connect can help centralise your data and simplify your workflows.

We were happy to be able to partner with Architecture Today for a great webinar with over 500 registrations and 350+ attendees. We look forward to being able to present and partner in more industry events in the future.

To keep up with the latest Total Synergy news, events and partnerships make sure you check out our LinkedIn.

To watch the webinar, follow the link –


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