Synergy product update — 27 March 2018 — To-dos

In this release we’ve introduced to-dos (new) and updates to notes, financials import, notifications and the getting started guide.

New — To-dos

Create a to-do to follow-up on note tasks. Set a to-do due date and assign the to-do to a staff member.

To-dos are additions to the notes function. It does pretty much what it says — on a note, you write something ‘to do’ and assign it to someone with a due date.

You can create to-dos to follow up on note tasks, create multiple to-dos for the same note to build a checklist of items to be completed, set due dates for each to-do, and assign the staff member to action the to-do. You can also notify other staff (like the manager) that a to-do has been created or has progressed.

There’s more to-do with to-dos — Synergy users can find out more in the help files.

Updated — Notes

A note is made up of four parts: note details, to-dos (NEW), comments, and links (NEW).

You can now use notes to record details about projects, stages, tasks, invoices (debtor note), contacts, and staff. The tabbed design makes it easy to read each section. Note links let you view which other items the note relates to.

Notes also come with reading and editing restrictions depending on the author and whether it’s linked.

Updated — Import financials

Synergy lets you import previous project data from Excel. What’s new in this update is importing your project structure with the phases (new) and stages, and import the fees, costs-to-date, and invoiced-to-date values for each stage.

You can now also select a ‘balance forward date’ to control the date given to the created transactions and invoices on import.

These extra stage details can be imported: cost centre, discipline, and rate group.

Updated — Notifications and notification emails

This is a great new enhancement to keep you informed and let you control how much information Synergy sends you. Notifications are sent for notes and to-dos. Notification emails are sent for each new notification or as a daily summary.

There are two types of emailed notifications:

  • Immediate — you get an email as soon as something happens you need to know about.
  • Daily — an email with a daily summary of the items you have not yet actioned.

Find out more on our SynergyTips blog

Updated — Getting started guide

We’ve created two clear paths for the getting started guide:

  • Try out the sample organisation — a testing environment to try out Synergy features without worrying about the data you enter.
  • Set up your organisation — all the steps we suggest to follow when starting out with Synergy.

More To Explore



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