February Update: Giving more Control and Customisation for Better Project Management and Security

Security Access Levels
This month, Synergy is excited to introduce two major enhancements that bring greater flexibility and customisation to streamline your work for improved efficiency.

Customised Resourcing

Tailoring Resources for Precision and Efficiency

We’ve introduced Customised Stage and Resourcing, which allows you to tailor your project resource management to your unique needs. You now have the capability to fine-tune resourcing requirements when extending a stage or adjusting an individual resource’s duration within Project Planning & Schedule boards. The options to ‘Keep Weekly Effort’ or ‘Preserve Total Hours’ provide you with precise control over resource allocation, enhancing project management efficiency.

Improved Security Matrix

Elevating Access Control for Enhanced Security

We understand the importance of data security in your project management endeavours. That’s why we’ve revamped our Security Matrix to offer you even greater control over access permissions. With the introduction of Custom Access Levels, you can create up to six new access levels, each with customisable names and permissions. This means you can ensure that the right people have precisely the access they need without compromising security. Our enhanced interface also features improved navigation, including search filters and expand/collapse views, making permissions management simpler.

Other Improvements

For a full list of changes introduced in this release you can download the Technical Release Notes below.

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