Synergy product update — August 2020 — To-dos

Our August 2020 release is all about helping you manage your to-dos — track the smaller day-to-day activities that are so vital to the completion of a project but are often overlooked or forgotten. We’ve also introduced a new method for reassigning WIP and made an update to resource planning.

NEW — To-dos (in the Schedule)

You can now find your to-do list in the Schedule:

  • Add a to-do to a task in the Schedule to save you time
  • Add a staff member to a to-do
  • Add a due date to a to-do to help you stay on track
  • Add a to-do to a template
  • View the to-dos assigned to you on your dashboard
  • Your overdue to-dos are colored red and move to the top of your to-do list
  • You can mark your to-do as complete in the Schedule — just tick it off (like a checklist)

Read the blog on to-dos by Synergy’s product manager, Paul Hemmings

NEW — Post-billing

Introducing post-billing — an alternative to writing off WIP. Post-billing enables you to allocate to an invoice without changing the invoice value — just the transactions amount.

UPDATE — Resource planning

This update allows you to see all unassigned roles in the resource planning page. It’s just another improvement designed to make planning your resources easier.

Visit the Synergy knowledge base to see the full release notes (Synergy login required).

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